
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

I am telling you with a heavy heart that my marriage was a love marriage and I had two sons and a daughter. My husband was bad tempered and it was so bad that sometime even he himself wondered why he could not control it for anyone. I bore all this with patience. He was an employee in a government department and his earning was just modest but his bad temper cost him that job due to his attitude. Then he started a business with a few of his friends but the business was of dealing in illegal things. He left a nice job and started an illegal business. Our finances became better and we had apparent glitter of well up, clothing, fashion and better food but on the other side our family started ruining. My husband started thinking himself as the god of earth. He had a very rude behavior towards his parents and siblings. He would teas his mother extremely and even disgraced her quite often. His mother would see him with sorrowful eyes and cold sighs if he would ever had a glance at her with love but he was so arrogant that he never uttered a word of love to her. He was quite vane and arrogant and had a very harsh temper. In the end his mother passed away without seeing any improvement in his attitude. And he lost one more tie from the family. All his siblings kept away from him due to his bad temper and bitter mood while he carried on his illegal business.

Then he met a girl of a different faith and she became too close to him. They would meet in the hotels. Then I don’t know what happened to my husband that he gathered all his money including other people’s share and fled abroad while leaving us crying and moaning and even forgot that he also had a caring family. He spent all the money there lavishly and finally returned to Pakistan along with the same girl. The girl’s family took her away and demanded a huge sum to send her back. Now until today he is living in a small city and is still carrying on cheating and deception. He even does not bother to think about his family and still he is so disrespectful that he does not care while disgracing anyone. His mood has not changed although the woman that he left his family for has also betrayed him. The wealth and comfort that came from doing illegal business went back where they had originated from. He just wanders the street like beggars. Now my children are also grown up and they ask me not to let their father enter into our house. They hate him. Thanks to my connection with Tasbih Khana, I have groomed my children in the best way possible and they do not possess a trace of their father’s characteristics of arrogance and bitterness but at the heart I feel like ruined and having lost my peace of mind. Would that I had not done this love marriage! I had frequent nightmares and they occupy my mind most of the times. My father was angry with me on this love marriage and so were my siblings and especially my mother. I have witnessed the tears and sighs that I have today very often on my mother’s face and looks like I am under the curse of my own loving parents. I would like to ask every boy and girl who have fallen a victim to this glitter of love to please get connected with Tasbih Khana and listen to your Dars and never ever do the love marriage. Always rely on your parents for this biggest decision of your life and bring mildness in your mind while overcoming your anger and lust. What a bad moment it was when this arrogant person came into my life and he showed me so many false dreams that I was ready to abandon my own loving siblings and parents and I started hating them. I loved him only and left the whole world. Would that I had not done so!

 O Allah! The punishment that I have received for my wrong, please save each of my daughters and sons and save them from the nastiness of love marriage. Hakeem sahib! Please pray for me that I may get peace and comfort back. I don’t know whether I would ever be able to get it. I know you would say that I should return to my family and request them to forgive me and if my parents are still alive then I should apologise from them so vehemently and sincerely that they would forgive me and change their curses into blissful prayers. Only this can resolve my problem otherwise there is nothing that can save me.

Dear readers! I have presented this letter to you and I am wondering how to reply to it. I need the feedback from all of you. In our society due to fast communication and internet, the love marriage trend is getting more and more common with every passing day and we can find not hundreds but thousands of examples all around us. We should never turn a deaf ear to these rather we should take them to heart as they are always full of admonition and thought provoking.



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